Skyview Farm, LLC

Monday, March 11, 2024
Hello friends,
              Another beautiful day!  After all that rain last week, the warm sunshine is really pushing spring.  The grass has grown, and the trees are budding.  All those flowing trees are in their glory or just about ready to burst forth.  The “laughing” frogs are at it again.  Such a strange sound from the pond.  Mom’s peonies are all sprouting, and I have hopes for beautiful flowers. 
              Bill and I had a great weekend.  We left Friday, later than we originally planned, and seemingly drove through all the back roads to get to the Lake of the Ozarks.  Those navigators are useful, but sometimes you have to take back control.  There was a better route, but we got there and had a nice dinner.  Then on Saturday we were at the Mathany Family Vineyard sampling, selling, visiting, and enjoying the day.  It paid for our trip which was our goal.  Then
Sunday morning we found a state park and a hiking trail and really enjoyed ourselves.  Refreshing.  While we were gone, Stephen and Celia and the boys took care of everything.  I think a good time was had by all!
              It’s now official.  Skyview Farm is now Skyview Farm, LLC, and Stephen and Celia are partners with us!  YEAH!  It will take a little while to figure out the best way to keep track of everything, but the agreement has been made and the papers have been signed.  We are all very excited.  Bill and I have strong capable helpers, and Stephen and Celia are joining the successful family business with a lot of the foundational work done.  I am reinvigorated and motivated to help all of us to succeed….




Noisy in the Country