Noisy in the Country
Monday, March 4, 2024
Hello friends,
Another warm springlike day. The frogs in the little pond behind the house are really noisy now. Then the train whistle blows about a mile away, just far enough to be romantic but not obnoxious. That sets the coyotes off howling, and then the neighbor’s dogs respond to probably both! Who says it’s quiet in the country?
Bonnie has been moved from the dry cows and steers to the milking herd. In a couple of weeks her baby is due, and we want her to be closer. Also, we let her get a little grain and alfalfa with the milkers. We are hoping for a heifer of course. As we move into the spring grass season, the cows spend less time eating hay and more time searching out those tender shoots of intensely nutritious grass. Then milk production begins to soar. I’m not sure if it will be as dramatic as in previous years because we have been feeding high quality (for the most part) alfalfa. All I know is that spring grass makes milk and we better be ready for it!….