Cows are Enjoying This Beautiful Fall Weather

Monday, November 2, 2020
Hello friends,
             ……. The cows are enjoying this beautiful fall weather.  The moon is just spectacular.  I don’t know if it is a trigger, but between Sunday and today we have had 4 cows in heat!  That’s a lot of hormones!  Some of them just had their calves, so we record the cycle and wait until at least two months have gone by.  Their reproductive systems should have returned to normal by then and they will be ready to breed back.  I am ready with a full AI tank, and the weather is perfect for conceptions.  We’ll see what happens!
              The little pullets are marching down the back yard, one pen length at a time.  Every morning we use two dollies (two wheelers), to move their pen to fresh grass.  They just walk along, anxious to discover what is ahead.  Sometimes they find bugs, certainly they find grass, and it keeps them busy while we fill their feeder and waterer.  The other day I was surprised by one ambitious chicken who flew up and out while I was putting the feeder in.  I think she was as surprised as I was, and we were able to capture her rather quickly.  It won’t be too much longer, and they will have total free range when they move to the egg mobile.  Right now they need to be protected until they are a bit bigger, and then they need to be trained to go back in the egg mobile at night….,


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