Delicious Cave Aged Cheese Party Packs Available

Monday, November 9, 2020
Hello friends,
              Here it is Monday again.  So much beautiful weather.  So much outside work accomplished.  I’m actually looking forward to a rainy day so I can slow down a bit.  The dead plants are removed from the garden, and the garlic has been planted.  Bill put the bucket on the tractor and scooped up some compost from where the cows were eating hay last winter.  I know it was ready because monster weeds were growing in it.  Well fertilized weeds.  The flower beds, and asparagus bed, and all the fruit trees got a healthy layer of compost!  Now it can rain……..
              Thinking about the upcoming holidays?  We are too.  Here is an idea:  A “Party Pack” which contains a Basil Fromage Blanc, Smoked Gouda, Skyview Prairie, and Fairmount.  At least a $25 value for $20.  Or, a cheese flight with three small wedges of Skyview Prairie, Himmelsburg, and Fairmount which is about $9 depending on weight.  Or make up your own combinations!  Lots of options!


Looking Forward to Thanksgiving


Cows are Enjoying This Beautiful Fall Weather