Scattered Rain Showers
Monday, July 6, 2020
Hello friends,
Last week was a week of widely scattered pop-up showers. Everyone reports different amounts of downpour rains, and sprinkles. The sprinkles are not all that beneficial other than it’s usually cloudy, but we got a couple of quarter inch rains which allowed us to skip garden watering a days. On the other hand, the hot sun sure dries things out quickly.
Peach season has begun. Since we don’t spray for bugs, there will be bugs, but we have the luxury of picking peaches totally ripe from the tree. Bill and I go out to the orchard before breakfast with a couple of ice cream buckets, and gently press the peaches we think are close to ripe. All around the tree we are checking the firmness. The ripe ones go in the bucket, and the ones that have too many issues, we pitch into the woods. Then the clean up begins while the oatmeal is cooking. We load up our bowls and pour on the delicious whole milk. It’s kind of like peach cobbler. Yum….