Billie Jean is on Her Pregnancy Vacation
Monday, July 13, 2020
Hello friends,
Not a cloud in the sky today. Big beautiful blue sky, but not a rain cloud in sight. Saturday, we had impressive dark clouds threatening, but then they went to the north, the south, east, and west, taking every drop of moisture with them. That’s the way it goes sometimes. Then you look at the forecast and it is hot, hot, hot. But wait! A pop-up shower changes the whole thing. I’m glad we have our hay put up, but the cows would prefer more moderate temperatures!
Billie Jean is now on her pregnancy vacation, so we are down to milking 9 cows. Vivian is due at the end of the month, and then we dry up three more cows in August. Meanwhile, the early spring calves are in the process of being weaned. They got their color-coded ear tags so we can tell them apart, and out to the front pasture they go…