Candy Had Her Calf
Monday, December 11, 2023
Hello friends,
It’s getting closer to Christmas and I’m starting to feel it. The tree is up and trimmed. The dust, bark, and various toys were swept away when we rearranged the furniture for the Christmas tree. It never ceases to amaze me what we find under the couches. I feel better just knowing it’s clean under there. Shopping has begun, but it’s always tricky when you live so far away from the major shopping outlets. Sure, we can order online, but Amazon doesn’t really do next day service out to the rural areas, and some things have to be seen and handled to know if it’s right.
Candy had her calf yesterday and, you guessed it, another boy! Really??? That’s 8 boys and 3 girls for the year when we were hoping to increase our female herd. We are now milking 15 cows! The most ever for us, but it’s now time to let Casey take her pregnancy vacation so we’ll be back to 14. Casey will go to join the dry cows and steers in lane 6 until a couple of weeks before her due date in February. We milk year-round, so we have calves pretty much year-round. It’s always our intention to skip calving in the coldest part of the year, but sometimes we just have to get a cow bred and worry about the weather later. This year has been pretty mild, so it hasn’t been an issue. Anyway, I have the 2 bull calves listed on Craigslist if you are interested. I may have a buyer already, but we’ll see…..