Annual Christmas Letter
It's time for our annual family Christmas letter. We'll be open through Saturday, but closed Monday. Have a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from the Noffke’s!
What a busy season! It feels like I’m not ready for Christmas, but I think I’m almost there. This has been an eventful year and I’m thankful that we are all still here. Literally. Bill had a heart attack on Memorial Day and survived. The doctor kept repeating how bad it was, but God is good and there is a reason that Bill is still here. He had one stint to repair a 100% blockage, and a 3 stint “trouser” to remedy the other 90% blockage. “Beautiful” was the doctor’s comment when he finished the procedure, just what Bill wanted to hear. He has finished his rehab now and is continuing his exercise program to strengthen his heart. I walk with him most of the time because I want to be healthy too.
Rachel and Max welcomed their daughter Josephine into their family in August. Grandchild number 3 and the first girl. We are enjoying this grandparent thing. They do grow and change so fast, so I try to remember to take pictures. I get to pop into their apartment every couple of weeks when I make deliveries to the city. Love that baby smile…..