Bull Calf For Sale

Monday, June 26, 2023
Hello friends,

It has only been a little over a week, and already we really need some rain.  Saturday threatened to rain.  The sky was dark and encouraging, the radar was hopeful, but ultimately, we only got a handful of sprinkles.  I’m confused by the wild forecast on my phone which predicts three one hundred + degree days with 100% chance of rain.  When has it ever rained when it was 100 degrees?  When has it ever been 100 degrees while it was raining? Something is amiss.  We are getting close to getting our hay cut but the pastures are drying up and looking stressed so I don’t know that we will have much hay to show for it.  Bill is already asking around for sources of more hay for our cows.

Remember I was waiting for Vivian to have her calf?  Remember that I said it was any day?  Well, I was wrong.  After the week went by and she doesn’t look much more ready to calve than last week, we began to question my record keeping.  Sure enough, I put down the wrong date and she is not due until July 29.  That’s a bummer because we dried her up for her vacation a month early.  Nothing we can do about that now.  Just wait.  Meanwhile,  Patty is contributing to the milk supply and for that we are thankful.  We are naming her little heifer, Darcy.  That makes us bottle feeding two heifers and a little bull calf.  We don’t really need the bull calf so if you need one, let me know because he is for sale.  I will post him on Craig’s List this week….


Happy Independence Day!


Patty Had a Heifer