Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 3, 2023
Hello friends,
              Happy Independence Day!  Whoo hoo!  Fireworks have been going off all weekend, to the extent that I wonder if there will be any left to fire off tomorrow, the actual 4th of July!  Good thing we got a nice rain on Saturday to protect flammable objects from a floating ember. 
Seriously, we got a 2” rainstorm that developed right over the top of us.  The driving wind and rain was severe, and there was even hail.  More branches down from the maple trees, and my blackberry canes that are growing for next year’s berries were leaning on the ground.  I tied them back up, but they don’t look so happy.  The surprise rainstorm came after we got the cows for milking and then it stopped when we took them back to pasture, only to start back up again.  A very timely rain.  We can stand with the hose watering for a very long time, but a soaking rain is way better!….


Pasteurizer is Fixed!


Bull Calf For Sale