Happy Last Day of February!
Monday, February 28, 2022
Hello friends,
Happy Last Day of February! With all the nasty weather in February this year, and actually last year too, I’m happy to announce that it’s almost over and March is looking up. Normally I’m a fan of the month because there are birthdays, anniversary, Valentines Day, and maybe a Chiefs Superbowl. It’s not spring yet, but there are a lot of birds migrating. Ducks and geese in particular. With the wildlife refuge close by, we get a lot of waterfowl flyovers. Soon!
Billie Jean is really starting to “bag up” in preparation for having her baby. The due date is March 11, but that is just a suggestion. Whether she’s early or late, we should get ready. Hopefully she will pick one of the warm sunshiny days that are in the forecast….