Dog Days of July

Monday, July 19, 2021
Hello friends,
For the dog days of July, this isn’t too bad. It could be a lot worse outside. The grass, and in particular the crabgrass, is growing like crazy. The rain and subsequent sunshine have sparked ridiculous growth. The garden is growing, the weeds are growing, and to Bill’s chagrin, the lawn is growing.
The cucumbers are in full swing, and I found a recipe online for refrigerator pickles that we just love. They are crunchy and flavorful, and ready in 24 hours. I am ramping up pickle production to use all those perfect sized cucumbers. No canning needed, so no heating up the kitchen with the canner, or using those particularly hard to find canning lids. Every time I have looked on a shelf where they should be stocked, there is a limit sign, and no lids. With these pickles I can recycle a lid or use a plastic lid. If you are interested, here is a link to the recipe:


Crabgrass and Clover, Over and Over


Wet, Dry, and Back to Wet Again