Happy Valentines Day!
Monday, February 14, 2022
Hello friends,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Such a nice day for it too……
The store is getting more items every day. This week we added some pork jerky from Castle Farms here in Pleasanton, and honey from Jordy that I used to sell with at the Overland Park Farmer’s market. Pecans are coming this week, and soon the jams. I even put some of my Young Living essential oils on the shelf, the Paragize which is an excellent animal de-wormer, and the ever-popular Theives. At the same time, I am figuring out how to use the Square for inventory etc. It’s a real learning curve, but I am finding other small business owners who are giving me tips. Bill loves not having to figure out the prices!
Because not everyone reads every email, (life happens) I want to remind you not to just hit REPLY when sending me an email. Follow this link: skyviewcheese@gmail.com Do not use the GodsAcre email. They are not going through. Do be sure that you get a confirmation. If you don’t hear from me withing 24 hours, I didn’t get your message. And remember that you can text me if you don’t get a confirmation. 913-710-0587