Drier Air and Cooler Temperatures
Monday, August 17, 2020
Hello friends,
We sure are enjoying this drier air and cooler temperatures. I know we had to water the garden and the flower beds this evening, but it sure is pleasant. Time to mow the lawn again. Didn’t he just do that? The late summer bugs are starting their noisy songs. Cicadas, crickets, and katydids can be so obnoxious, but comforting that the season is changing.
Madison has started college, so our part time help is a little more part time. Bill and I are taking up the slack for now, but with 5 cows on pregnancy vacation, milking is a little faster than usual. It sure is nice that she can milk the cows all by herself every once in a while, and it gives us a break. We spent the day up in Atchison yesterday, visiting our family and celebrating Christin’s birthday. Meanwhile, Madison milked the cows and we just came home when we were ready. Freedom to travel is the number one complaint of most dairy farmers and it sure is nice to take the evening off. Thanks, Madison!…..