Smoked Gouda is Back in Stock

Monday, January 17, 2022
Hello friends,
The County Zoning Commission approved our Conditional Use Permit last Tuesday which we figured they would. It allows us to sell other items besides what we produce and still retain the Agricultural zoning. Now we will get more serious about adding items to our little creamery store. We are open to suggestions if you have an excellent source for some local products that compliment our own products. I’m also looking to update my accounting system to keep track of what we are doing. Oh, the many hats that we wear!
Smoked Gouda is back in stock. Bill took advantage of the weather last week and spent time in the garage (with the doors open) smoking some cheese. It takes a little time to get it ready, arrange it in the smoker, and then keep careful watch that it doesn’t flare up. Just a thin blue smoke is all that is allowed. If it begins to flame, it will be ruined. Now it has been resting in the fridge to allow that apple wood smoked flavor to spread throughout the wedges of cheese. Finally, it is ready!….


Beautiful Winter Sunsets


Nice to See the Sun Shining