The Big Thaw!
Monday, February 22, 2021
Hello friends,
A whole lot of melting going on today! The ground is still frozen underneath so the water just kind of puddles on top or runs off. Maybe tomorrow it will begin soaking in. Then we will have some mud to deal with, argh! I’m just very thankful that the temperatures are trending UP!
The cows are still enjoying their hay and producing lots of milk. They really don’t like walking on the refrozen ice patches, but they won’t like the mud either. It’s just something we have to deal with. Our indoor cat has finally decided that it’s okay to venture outside. That’s big. The chickens have been able to get outside the last couple of days too, and today they had more ground without snow to explore. I’ve been getting more eggs as more of them have begun laying. Even a huge double yolker here and there, poor chicken. It happens with pullets sometimes that they lay an egg with two yolks. Winner for us!….