Petula Due

Monday, November 27, 2023
Hello friends,
              A little leftover turkey, a few fall and pilgrim decorations, and some laundry is all that is left after a busy Thanksgiving holiday.  Stephen and his family, and Rachel with her family, plus mom were all here and this was a hopping place.  Add to that, we had to get this huge yogurt order ready by… tomorrow, and we have been working.  Except Sunday.  We insisted on resting and now we are rejuvenated and ready for the week!
              Petula’s due date came and went yesterday, and we are still waiting on her calf.  I was a little concerned about her last night when it was so cold, or
Saturday nightwhen it was snowing, but she held on and is still pregnant.  We also have a heifer that is due on December 2 which is just around the corner.  Are we ready for babies?  I think so.  I remember last year right around Christmas we had a calf born, (Erin) and we had to put her under a heat lamp and make a little pen for her in the milking parlor.  She was literally born on the coldest day of the year.  She is doing well, by the way.  Hopefully we will have calves born in better weather this time…..


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Happy Thanksgiving!