Plans for 2021
Monday, January 18, 2021
Hello friends,
……Actually, 2020 wasn’t too bad here. There were quite a few new visitors after the post on the Shop Kansas Farms page, and we had local people come who didn’t even know we were here. We made a LOT of cheese from the abundance of milk our 12 cows produced on the lush spring grass. It aged all summer and quite a bit of it was sold to our new distributor Paris Brothers. That means you can find our cheese in stores and restaurants now. We are not planning on doing the farmer’s market next year. It’s a lot of work and there are quite a few uncertainties at the OP market right now. Instead, we are planning a few improvements to the on-farm store and hope to draw more customers here. Bill will be taking Social Security so some of the pressure for income will be eased. Selling raw milk will still be a priority, but we hope to add other items in the store as well. I still plan on making trips to the city and will still bring pre-orders to a future location.
I am thinking about teaching a cheesemaking class some time in February. We could comfortably have about 8 people in my kitchen. I could probably do about 2 hours give or take, and it would cost about $30 per person. Let me know if you are interested and when would be a good time.
I’m planning on making a trip to the city NEXT Saturday, January 30. Not this week, but next. Be thinking about what you might want….