Back to the Woodstove Tonight…

Monday, May 11, 2020
Hello friends,
              …..Back to the woodstove tonight.  That cold, bone chilling rain was just too much.  You would think that by the middle of May, we could put the extra firewood back on the pile and prepare for air conditioning.  I worked hard to get my tomato plants out into the garden, only to have to go out there and cover them up several nights.  I’m glad I didn’t have time to get my annual flowers planted out yet.  One time that procrastination paid off!
              We have noticed an uptick in people visiting the farm store.  After a nice day at the farmer’s market and visitors here on Saturday, we are out of a lot of fresh cheeses.  Today we began the process of replenishing our stock.  Yogurt is incubating in the coolers, fromage blanc is ripening in the pots in the sink, and the Asiago we made in the big vat is floating in the brine tank.  Tomorrow I will be putting some more Jersey Silk together and making mozzarella.  Lots and lots of cheese!
              As you may know, Saturday was the last day for the drive through market.  This Saturday will begin the walk up market with social distancing in the same parking lot, the Overland Park Convention Center.  We are on an every-other week schedule for the market now, and this week we will skip, but there will be plenty of farm fresh products to choose from.  We will be returning on May 23rd which also happens to be Memorial Day weekend.  Our on farm store is open Monday through Friday 10 to 6 and Saturday 10 to 4 if you want to visit us here.  Remember, this is the only place where we can sell the raw milk.  Per Kansas law, we cannot take raw milk to the farmer’s market.  You have to come here to get it or get it from a carpool group, either by joining one, or paying a delivery fee to one of the members.


April Showers Bring May Flowers….