Grant Writing

Monday,  October 16, 2023
Hello friends,
              Just a thin sliver of a moon out there, but oh the stars!  The main reason we call this place Skyview Farm is that when we bought the property and we were still living in the city, we drove out with the car and turned off the headlights.  We looked up at the sky and saw stars we had never seen before.  Amazing.  We see impressive sunrises and sunsets.  We see flocks of migrating birds.  All because we have a little piece of Kansas land with a view to the sky.
              The grant writing continues.  It is really crunch time now.  We have to have everything written, proofread, and all the supporting documentation attached.  Then we hit “send” by
Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.  I don’t want to be right at the deadline, but it’s kind of like preparing for a big event at your house.  You think you have everything just so, and you look around and tweak here and there, thinking of one more thing you can add or correct.  We hope they like what we’ve done.  An awful lot of thought and figuring has gone into this, so we hope they like it.  If there are just too many good applicants and we don’t make the cut, we will regroup and pick the highest priority purchases first, implementing as we have fund……


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