It’s Hot!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Hello friends,

              It’s hot.  Not technically summer yet but unofficially it is here.  Ninety degrees as far as the forecast dares to predict.  I hope they are wrong.  They often are, you know.  We are watering those lovely potted flowers that we put on the back deck.  They looked so perky, and now I feel sorry for them having to endure the deck.  The garden is mulched so it is fine, but we watered tonight because there are some just sprouted plants that don’t have very deep roots.

              The generator has been placed, the electric transfer apparatus has been installed, and the propane company contacted to connect.  When it is all set up, we will be protected from an extended power outage.  Before this large generator, we just had a gasoline-powered portable machine that would help us get the cows milked out, but no way to chill it or keep the refrigerators running.  The cheese cave will efficiently keep the aged cheeses cool, but we would basically have to dump milk without this generator.  Now we can continue to operate and produce food if there would be an emergency.  Of course, like insurance, you hope that you never need to use it, but it’s nice knowing that we are not defenseless….


Still Hot


Plenty of Rain with Plenty of Sunshine