Janie and Her Calf
Monday, September 27, 2021
Hello friends,
I guess summer just doesn’t want to leave. It was so warm today. And it has been windy too. We lost a good-sized branch from one of the peach trees. They are sometimes vulnerable. It’s a good idea to plant an extra peach tree because they honestly don’t last terribly long. The good news is that there has been a branch hung up in a maple tree by the garage from an ice storm last year. We never could get it down. It finally came down and landed perfectly between the rows of stacked firewood. It could have easily knocked down the wood and made a big job to restack. But yay! It didn’t!
Janie had her calf on Saturday, a full two days early. I knew it. Another boy. That makes three boys in a row! Okay, God, what are you doing here? Janie is a big cow and she and baby are both doing well. Zeke and Zack are growing too. The next calf is expected around Oct. 22, so we have a little while to go…..