Casey’s Due
Monday, February 12, 2024
Hello friends,
A day of celebration for all Kansas City Chiefs fans! It was an exhausting game to watch. We tried to get our milking done a little early, but we still missed the first hour and a half. Apparently, we didn’t miss anything good. So many commentators are weighing in and we love listening to them ooh and ahh, but it really could have gone either way until the last touchdown. What a joyful ending to a stressful Super Bowl. Congratulations Chiefs! You did us proud.
Today is Casey’s due date and although she is “bagging” up, my opinion is that we will probably have to wait a couple more days. She is a bossy cow and is always wanting to come in the milking parlor before she is invited, which is very last. When we bought those 6 cows this fall, we were told that one of them was bred with sexed semen. She is the last one of the group to have her calf so we are expecting a heifer. 90% chance they say. We’ll see……