First Day of Spring!
Monday, March 20, 2023
Hello friends,
Happy first official day of spring! We made it through the snow and cold and now the wind is blowing in some warmer weather. My daffodils finally opened last week and then bowed their heads in the cold. There are still more buds to open so I think they will be happier again soon.
We bought a cow. Yep, we looked at the picture and thought she looked like a really nice specimen so Bill hooked up the trailer and made a trip to Garnett to get her. Her name is Bonnie, and she is adjusting nicely for the most part. Our cows were very curious and when we put them together there was a lot of sniffing, head pushing, and chasing around. Cows are creatures of habit and we took Bonnie away from everything familiar to her so there must be an adjustment. New feed, new schedule, new friends, new farmers, new stanchions all made her a little out of sorts. She has settled down except when she is done milking, she keeps trying to come back up the exit to get more grain. That causes a traffic jam. Eventually she will settle into the new normal.....