Eat Local and Organic Expo
Monday, April 1, 2024
Hello friends,
I trust that you all had a Happy and meaningful Resurrection Sunday. We did. After a very busy Saturday getting prepared, Bill, Mom, and I went to Atchison for our family celebration. All the grandchildren (3 of them) were there, and delicious food was abundant. The weather was 20 degrees cooler than here in Pleasanton, but we were prepared for that too. While we were gone, our helpers milked the cows and kept an eye on things. We kept our phones nearby, but the only message we got was that they were done, and all went well. A big sigh of happiness from us.
The apple and pear trees are in full bloom. Apparently, the frost didn’t damage the blossoms last week. Our little peach trees are just that, little. No peaches this year. My neighbor down the road has her garden plot already cultivated and ready to plant. I’m so far behind. My garden plot is covered with purple henbit flowers and last year’s tomato cages and other climbing plant supports. I planted my tomato, pepper, cabbage, and kohlrabi seeds inside, and they are up and going.
Last week we worked on cutting, packaging, and labeling aged cheese for the Eat Local and Organic Expo that is coming up this Saturday, April 6 from 9 to 3 at the Johnson County Community College. It’s packed into boxes, and back down on shelves in the cheese cave until we load up to go Saturday morning. This week we’re working on making lots of Pure Jersey Silk and Fromage Blanc. That’s the Greek style yogurt and the fresh spreading cheese respectively. How much can I haul up to the city? How much weight can the cooler handles endure? How strong are we to lift it into the car or truck? Hmm. Not sure, but you can bet we will be well stocked when we arrive. Remember, admission and parking are free, kids are welcome, and bring a cooler bag to carry home anything that should be kept cool while you peruse the wonderful booths. See you there!….