Always Get a Confirmation That I Got Your Order
Monday, January 31, 2022
Hello friends,
Lots of warnings about the impending weather! Bill is taking it seriously and preparing like crazy. Me, not so much. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. I guess the hype could be overdone and we’ll just have to see what happens. I have stewing hen vegetable soup planned for tomorrow night so that is the extent of my getting ready. Bill has been cleaning stalls and putting down fresh bedding, delivering extra bales of hay in strategic locations to the shelters, and making sure the water is full in the stock tank in case the cows can’t break ice in the pond. There is a pile of wood on the back porch now, covered with a tarp to keep it dry, or at least free from snow. I guess we’re ready.
Last week we had some trouble with our email, the to be specific. I can pick up the from my phone, but the other one is from our internet provider Craw-Kan and it goes to the laptop. For some reason that my son could explain, I was not able to open the email program and he had to help me uninstall and reinstall the proper version of Office 365. It’s all better now but learn this: If you don’t get a confirmation of your order, assume that I didn’t get it. I missed a lot of emails last week! Plan B is texting to my cell: 913-710-0587. And Plan C is calling the land line and leave a clear message at 913-352-8727. We don’t have caller ID so if we can’t understand the call back number, we can’t call back. Technology is great only when it’s working!….