The Baby Chicks Have Arrived

Skyview Farm News

Monday, September 14, 2020
Hello friends,
              The baby chicks have arrived!  Yeah!  I got an email notifying me that they were shipped on Wednesday, so I was hoping for a Thursday arrival.  When they didn’t come, I began to worry.  The post office has been known to take a while sometimes, and I didn’t want my precious packages stuck in some back room for very long.  The hatchery said Thursday through Saturday and they guaranteed 100% live arrival, but they are sold out of a lot of varieties this time of year and I think a refund would be more likely than a replacement.  Not to worry for long, they came on Friday.  I got a call from the post office that the boxes just walked in the door.  Bill hurried over to pick them up and we carefully unloaded them into the waiting brooder (converted stock tank).  I go out to see them a couple of times a day and even pick some of them up.  If you pet them, sometimes they go to sleep!  There is one rooster so he is woefully outnumbered, but he will learn to love that!……


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