Vivian Had a Boy
Monday, July 31, 2023
Hello friends,
Another unexpected rain last night. The forecast has been predicting extreme heat and no rain, and then suddenly it clouds up and the forecast predicts the storm that is literally bearing down on us. Very strange. I was debating whether I should water the garden last night and then I didn’t have to. The strong winds keep the yard littered with twigs and leaves, but I am thankful for the moisture.
Vivian’s due date was Saturday, and she had her calf on Sunday! It’s a boy so of course we are disappointed about that. Momma and baby are both healthy. We still have a heifer due to calve on Wednesday and I honestly don’t know how she can hold out much longer. She is so fat, her udder is so full, and she just waddles. The law of averages says it should be a girl calf, but like any flip of a coin, the odds go back to 50/50. We are ready to get her milked out and relieve the pressure on her udder. Come on Sally!….