Coming and Going in the Milking Line Up

Monday, August 3, 2020

Hello Friends,
             ….. August is a month of coming and going in the milking line up.  Vivian is online now, but we are going to start drying up Janie next.  Then Trixie will be around the middle of the month, and Reba at the end.  Somewhere near the end of the month Makenzie should have her calf.  There will be minus three and plus one.  Not to worry, we still will have plenty of milk for everyone, we’ll just make less cheese.  That’s also not a problem since we made a LOT of cheese this spring when all 12 cows were milking and eating all that lush grass.  There is a seasonal fluctuation for everything.
              This is my skip week for the market, so I’ll be catching up on cheese making.  Perhaps some cottage cheese would be nice.  Not that I’ll have that much free time with the tomatoes coming in.  I put up 6 quarts of tomatoes today and there are still 3 trays of them on the table.   I put 7 quarts in the canner, but sadly, one of the jars cracked and  that was a fail.  It was an old jar, but it appeared to be in good shape.  One never knows for sure.  I also made some dehydrated tomatoes.  Heat producing preservation methods are always better when it’s a little cooler so you don’t have to fight against the air conditioner.  I can always freeze, but then it takes up freezer space….


Crabgrass and Clover


Still Very Humid