Monday, May 30, 2022

Hello friends,

              Happy Memorial Day.  A time to remember those who gave their lives to keep us safe and secure.  We thank them.  It was a very windy day here.  Not a safe idea to put that traditional fire in the fire pit and roast hot dogs like we have in past years.  I remember years that the kids would beg to camp outside, and we would let them pitch the tents, roast over the campfire, and then they would sleep outside while Bill and I would go back in the house and sleep in our beds.  The best of both worlds.  Well, I do like camping, but it’s a lot of work after a long day.  I’m enjoying our deck now that we put some potted flowers out there for the wedding brunch.

              The cows are still enjoying all the abundant grass.  All the seed heads are waving in the wind, spreading their grass pollen everywhere.  Some people are sensitive and their allergies are in full swing.  Thankfully, it doesn’t bother me, but Bill has a little trouble.  He was out mowing today because the forecast is calling for rain and it may be a while before it dries out enough to cut again.  We were also out in the garden putting down old hay in the paths.  I would rather mulch heavily than pull and hoe weeds all summer…


Plenty of Rain with Plenty of Sunshine


They Are Married