It’s Officially Spring!
Monday, March 21, 2022
Hello friends,
It is officially spring! Yea! The crocuses and daffodils are blooming, and those little things are falling off the maple trees. No, not the helicopter seeds, but some sort of leaf cover that litters the sidewalks and clogs the gutters, again. Yes, I cleaned out leaves from the front gutters last fall, but the rain is now pouring off the roof on the southeast corner of the house. Probably full of those little things. We tried to hire someone to put gutter covers on last summer, but the guy gave us an estimate, stopped by and said he would start the next day, and then we never heard from him again. I sure hope nothing bad happened, but it wasn’t very responsible.
Alas, I didn’t put the rain gauge out although there is probably no danger of it freezing. I would estimate that we’ve gotten about an inch of rain already. Pull out the rubber raincoat. I let the chickens out as usual, and they don’t seem to mind getting wet too much. Unlike ducks and other waterfowl, rain will not roll off a chicken’s back and they can get pretty soggy. Fortunately, they can go back in the house or under the house if they want. The draw to scratch around outside is very strong…..