More Signs of Spring!

Monday, April 12, 2021
Hello friends,
More signs of spring! The red bud trees are blooming. And tulip trees, and dogwoods, and magnolias, and lilacs! The bees are so busy in the orchard right now because the apple, peach, and pear trees are all blooming. That’s an encouraging sign, but not a guarantee of future fruit. Asparagus is beginning and the dandelions are in full swing! Bill even mowed the lawn, in particular there were some lush spots where the chicken tractor traveled, and they left a concentration of fertilizer in the corner where they slept.
You will notice the milk getting much yellower this time of year. That’s the beta carotene from the green grass coloring the butterfat. It’s also rich in CLA’s! This is the healthiest milk of the year so drink up. All this lush green grass also increases the cows’ milk production. Two weeks ago, we were averaging 28 gallons a day for 8 ½ cows, and now we are up to 34 gallons a day. (The half cow is actually one cow that we milk once a day instead of twice.) An abundance of milk, actually. I’m skimming cream for those of you who would like to make some butter……


Cold Snap!


Happy Easter!