More Rain!
Monday, May 24, 2021
Hello friends,
Did I start the newsletter with rain last week? I did? Well, more rain! It’s a little ridiculous. It was not raining this morning so Bill was waiting for the grass to dry out before he could finally start mowing. About halfway finished, and it started raining again! The grass on the downhill side of our laterals is still too wet so we left it. One year, Bill got the lawn mower stuck in there and we had to pull it out with the tractor and a long chain! The strawberries are ripening, but there is rottenness in the center of the bed where it can’t dry out. I have really good drainage in my raised beds, but I noticed that some cantaloupe sprouts were damping off at the soil line. Nothing I can do about it. Just pick asparagus and lettuce and be thankful for it……