
The following are“Excerpts” from our weekly Newsletter….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Candy Had Her Calf

Monday, December 11, 2023
Hello friends,
              It’s getting closer to Christmas and I’m starting to feel it.  The tree is up and trimmed.  The dust, bark, and various toys were swept away when we rearranged the furniture for the Christmas tree.  It never ceases to amaze me what we find under the couches.  I feel better just knowing it’s clean under there.  Shopping has begun, but it’s always tricky when you live so far away from the major shopping outlets.  Sure, we can order online, but Amazon doesn’t really do next day service out to the rural areas, and some things have to be seen and handled to know if it’s right. 
              Candy had her calf yesterday and, you guessed it, another boy!  Really???  That’s 8 boys and 3 girls for the year when we were hoping to increase our female herd.  We are now milking 15 cows!  The most ever for us, but it’s now time to let Casey take her pregnancy vacation so we’ll be back to 14.  Casey will go to join the dry cows and steers in lane 6 until a couple of weeks before her due date in February.  We milk year-round, so we have calves pretty much year-round.  It’s always our intention to skip calving in the coldest part of the year, but sometimes we just have to get a cow bred and worry about the weather later.  This year has been pretty mild, so it hasn’t been an issue.  Anyway, I have the 2 bull calves listed on Craigslist if you are interested.  I may have a buyer already, but we’ll see…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Special Gift Bundles

Monday, December 4, 2023

Hello friends,

…..We are putting some wonderful gift baskets together.  As Stephen and I were deciding and arranging for pictures, I was looking at all the delicious cheeses and accompaniments to choose from.  Wow!  We have basically 3 tiers of gifts:   
The $20 bundle has 3 wedges of aged raw milk cheese and a tub of Fromage Blanc. 
The $50  bundle has 6 wedges of cheese, 1 Fromage Blanc, 1 KC Canning Co. condiment, and one package of crackers with sea salt.
 The $100 bundle has a quarter round, and  5 wedges of aged raw milk cheese, one reserve Gouda aged 4 ½ years, 1 Fromage Blanc, one bruschetta topping, one package of crackers with sea salt, and a flour sack towel with our logo!
The baskets are not included, but you can arrange it on a Skyview cheese board.  We have many other items for gifts like soaps, local honey, and lip balm stocking stuffers.  We have plenty of cheese, come and get it!  Your choice of cheeses, or we can pick them out for you….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Petula Due

Monday, November 27, 2023
Hello friends,
              A little leftover turkey, a few fall and pilgrim decorations, and some laundry is all that is left after a busy Thanksgiving holiday.  Stephen and his family, and Rachel with her family, plus mom were all here and this was a hopping place.  Add to that, we had to get this huge yogurt order ready by… tomorrow, and we have been working.  Except Sunday.  We insisted on resting and now we are rejuvenated and ready for the week!
              Petula’s due date came and went yesterday, and we are still waiting on her calf.  I was a little concerned about her last night when it was so cold, or
Saturday nightwhen it was snowing, but she held on and is still pregnant.  We also have a heifer that is due on December 2 which is just around the corner.  Are we ready for babies?  I think so.  I remember last year right around Christmas we had a calf born, (Erin) and we had to put her under a heat lamp and make a little pen for her in the milking parlor.  She was literally born on the coldest day of the year.  She is doing well, by the way.  Hopefully we will have calves born in better weather this time…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 20, 2023
Hello friends,
              Rainy, drizzly, chilly, and dark, but it’s above freezing so it’s not so bad.  I’m writing this in one room and the Chief’s game is on in the other room, distracting me.  I will certainly need to proofread this before I send it out.  This week is Thanksgiving, and we have a lot to do.  Not just because there is company, but we have to plan so that we can take the day off and spend it with family.  Well, we still have to do chores, but other than that, we want to focus on the company.  I hope you are able to get together with your family too!
              We have a big Jersey Silk order to prepare for
next Tuesday and our little vat pasteurizer is going to get a workout between now and then.  We are making at least 280 pints from about 64 gallons of milk.  It needs to be pasteurized 16 gallons at a time, cooled to 110°, inoculated with culture, left to incubate, scooped into 2 gallon draining bags, whisked, spooned into containers, labeled, and tucked in the refrigerator!  Then we deliver it up to the Food Hub where it joins with other local products in boxes, and then goes to the Joplin area.  Or maybe it goes to Joplin where it goes in a food box to be distributed.  Anyway, this is the most yogurt we have put together in a week and we are plotting and planning on the best way to get it done.  Meanwhile, I have some extra Jersey Silk in the fridge now so how about a sale?  Regularly $5.76/pint on sale for $5.00 eac…

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Emmy Lou Had a Boy

Monday, November 13, 2023
Hello friends,
              I could take this weather most of the year!  Cool nights, warm but not hot days.  Perfect for all projects outside.  I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is
next Thursday.  You heard correctly.  NEXT THURSDAY!  I suppose we need to get prepared because I’m looking forward to having company.
              Emmy Lou had her calf last Wednesday.  She was a couple of days early according to her due date, but we are used to that.  When we went looking for her in the lower 20, there was a young deer standing not far away, just watching us finding Emmy Lou.  It was not concerned about us humans because we were not a threat.  Then we saw another one, same situation.  As we came up to Emmy Lou and her male (argh!) calf, a group of about 4 more deer came over the hill to check us out.  They were all so tame!  Maybe it’s because Bill hasn’t been hunting for a while.  Anyway, Emmy Lou has been slow to have her milk come in, but gradually she is giving more.  That happens sometimes.  The next cow to calf will be Petula on the suggested due date of
November 26th…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Daylight Savings

Monday, November 6, 2023
Hello friends,
              I’ve never been a fan of Daylight Savings.  It’s just too light, too long in the summer evenings and you end up working too late.  When the daylight hours are shorter, I would rather have them in the morning for the early milking times.  Anyway, we are back to normal time and the cows are a little confused, but they follow our lead. 
              The cows are really growing their fur for winter now.  Unfortunately, we have a couple of warm days.  I don’t think they are particularly unhappy.  Not like the heat of summer when they don’t want to leave the shade and some of them are even panting.  Most of the day they our out there looking for that fall, after-the-rain regrowth.  Get it while it lasts.  Soon they will be eating mostly hay……

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Full Moon

Monday, October 30, 2023
Hello friends,
              The full moon was Saturday, but because of the cloud cover we couldn’t see it.  Tonight is very clear, and the big harvest (almost full) moon made a dramatic statement in the eastern sky.  Wow!  No blanket of insulation to keep the daytime warmth from escaping into the atmosphere.  It should be chilly tonight.  We removed any usable produce from the garden on Saturday and my dining room is loaded with green peppers and green tomatoes.  Parsley is drying on cookie sheets, and beans are in the fridge.  One season ends and another season begins.
              We ended up with about 4.75 inches of rain for the week.  Very beneficial for the thirsty ground.  Amazingly, the sump pump didn’t run at all.  It has been so dry for so long that the moisture soaked in but has not filled the water table yet.  Wow.  We have two ponds for water for the cows, one has a huge watershed and fills easily, the other one in the lower 20 is still very low.  We need both to provide water for the cows in the winter so amazingly, we could still use a pond-filler rain!  I’m not a fan of the mud behind the creamery, but I can’t complain too much.  Mud comes with rain…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Weston A. Price Farm Tour

Monday, October 23, 2023
Hello friends,
              What a warm and windy day!  I thought we could put the fans away from the milking parlor, but I think I was wrong.  The cows are growing their winter coats already since it is supposed to be time for that.  The cool nights are probably very comfortable, but these warm days they are hanging out in the shade.  Looks like a fall change is coming though!  Maybe we’ll get some significant rain.
              Two gigantic check marks!  The grant was turned in last Wednesday and we feel very satisfied that we did a good job.  Don’t know how we will stack up to the other grant applicants, but we gave it our best shot.  The other check mark is that the big two-bus load Westin A. Price Conference farm tour was today.  We prepared and prepared and then they arrived, and we were ON!  All hands on deck, 110 people ushered around the creamery, barn yard, sample table, and store in about an hour and a half.  They had a great time and our preparations paid off.  A big sigh of relief this evening….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Grant Writing

Monday,  October 16, 2023
Hello friends,
              Just a thin sliver of a moon out there, but oh the stars!  The main reason we call this place Skyview Farm is that when we bought the property and we were still living in the city, we drove out with the car and turned off the headlights.  We looked up at the sky and saw stars we had never seen before.  Amazing.  We see impressive sunrises and sunsets.  We see flocks of migrating birds.  All because we have a little piece of Kansas land with a view to the sky.
              The grant writing continues.  It is really crunch time now.  We have to have everything written, proofread, and all the supporting documentation attached.  Then we hit “send” by
Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.  I don’t want to be right at the deadline, but it’s kind of like preparing for a big event at your house.  You think you have everything just so, and you look around and tweak here and there, thinking of one more thing you can add or correct.  We hope they like what we’ve done.  An awful lot of thought and figuring has gone into this, so we hope they like it.  If there are just too many good applicants and we don’t make the cut, we will regroup and pick the highest priority purchases first, implementing as we have fund……

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Fall Pastures = Delicious Milk

Monday, October 9, 2023
Hello friends,
              Finally, it feels like fall.  We even had a little frost here and there this weekend.  I picked all the beans that I could find, most of the peppers, and some parsley for drying.  We went from air conditioner to heat so quickly.  In between we suffered through a couple of cold nights in the house as we refused to admit that it was going to be that chilly.  It was.  Bring out the sweatshirts, put away the shorts. 
              Despite the cooler weather, the grass is growing in the pastures and the cows are loving it.  They are spending a lot of time grazing and then laying around chewing their cud.  That equals lots of delicious milk production.  Willow is producing for the general milk supply after about  5 days of colostrum that has now passed.  She has a beautiful udder and is adjusting nicely to the new routine.  After considering lots of wonderful suggestions, we decided to name her little heifer Aspen.  Hopefully Willow will have many more heifer calves to name in the future!…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Another Calf Was Born

Monday, October 2, 2023
Hello friends,
              Surprise, surprise!  Another calf was born this morning.  Our heifer Willow was
due on the 9th of October, but she decided today was the day.  Or was it the calf that decided?  Anyway, we are excited that this one is a girl!  Kelcey’s calf was so happy to have company, that he was jumping for joy.  Now the challenging part is that we had only begun heifer training 3 days ago, and although we were making progress, she is by no means trained.  We have a training halter on her, we have been coaxing her to come into the milking parlor by following a bucket of grain, and after pulling and encouraging, she finally puts her head into the stanchion.  We got her milked this morning, but it was not without some unnecessary kicking on her part.  This evening was another opportunity for training.  We are thinking about tree names for Willow’s calf.  Maple?  Magnolia?  Ginko?  Juniper? Suggestions?….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Storms This Past Week

Monday, September 25, 2023
Hello friends,
              After all the storms this past week, we ended up with a little over 3 inches of rain!  Whoo hoo!  The pastures are growing in this week’s warm sunshine and the cows are searching out the tender new growth.  We did have some branches come down, but no damage.  Don’t talk to me about my new pullets.  It’s very sad, but I’m down to 9, I think.
              I’m writing this newsletter a little later than usual because we had to watch a calf being born.  Kelcey had her calf
at about 8:15 p.m.  Stephen, Celia, and the boys were down for the day since they had a day off of school.  They were going to leave earlier but Kelcey was in labor, and it was quite a spectacle.  We watched and waited.  The boys were tired but very patient.  It began to get dark, and the coyotes were howling, the sound of train whistles echoing in the night air.  We watched by the light of Stephen’s cell phone as a little male calf was born.  The boys were tired, but still got to see the miracle of birt…

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Making More Cheese

Monday, September 18, 2023
Hello friends,
              I sure am enjoying the cool nights and warm days.  It feels like, well, fall!  There are leaves that are turning and dropping, but I think they are conserving moisture and not just responding to lack of daylight.  We had a dramatic front pass
through on Saturday, dumping a quarter inch of rain in about 10 minutes, and then it went on its way.  We were just finishing chores and breeding a cow, but we had to take it inside!  I am thankful for a little rain, but we need more!
              We are making more cheese now that we have more milk.  After several months, and maybe even years, of selling a little more cheese than we were making, it has been getting a little sparse in the cheese cave aging rooms.  Finally, we are able to make more cheeses and put them down to age for at least 2 months.  Stephen has been coming down the first couple of days of the week to help out and today was a cheesemaking day.  We also made yogurt and cleaned out the brine tank and readied it to refill it with fresh salt brine.  Then chores.  I will sleep well tonight!…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

New Cows Are Here!

Monday, September 11, 2023
Hello friends,
              A little rain!  I am thankful for every drop, but we need quite a bit more to wake up the pastures.  I think the clovers will perk up and that will help.  The cows are eating hay because the pastures are dormant for the moment.   More rain please! 
              The new cows are here!  Their names are Casey, Chanel, Fresca, Iggy, Rain, and Skinny Dip.  We are adjusting their common names a bit because, well, we like our names better.  Skinny Dip is now Candy, and Iggy is  now Victorious which are derived from their father’s names “Candyman” and “Victrius”.  Anyway, they are coming and going back and forth with our 10 milkers, increasing our milk production from about 30 gallons to our farm’s record high of 52 gallons for one day.  Wow!  We have plenty of milk for everyone, and for cheesemaking as well.  It’s a little daunting, but it will settle down as we have three cows going on their pregnancy vacations by the end of the month and before Kelsey has her calf about the same time.  Not expecting you to keep track of all that, but when you see different names, you will know they are now in the Skyview herd.

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Happy Labor Day!

Monday, September 4, 2023
Hello friends,
              Happy Labor Day!  The unofficial beginning of the fall season.  Could have fooled me.  This weather is just as hot and dry as it gets.  To add insult, there was a hot dry wind to boot.  Bill is watering the strawberries in the garden, trying to keep them alive.  He waters other plants too, like maybe peppers.  I’ve given up on some of the beans, and the tomatoes are really ugly.  The pastures are dormant and brown.  The only grazing left is in lane 1 and in the lower 20 acres.  We may have to start feeding that hay that we just put up.  Lord, send rain!…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

A Breath of Cooler Air

Monday, August 28, 2023
Hello friends,
              We survived the heat of last week!  Whew!  How miserable!  The cows were not happy about it at all.  There are a few paddocks that have more shade than others and we took advantage of it.  Even with our best efforts, our newly fresh heifer was sooo hot and starting to move pretty slowly.  Because she is low on the pecking order, I think the bigger cows were hogging the water tub and she wasn’t getting enough.  Also, I think she was low on salt.  Then
Thursday evening we were taking the cows back and she passed the water tub, stopped to get a drink, and was there for a long time.  Then she started on the salt, back to the water, then back.  I just waited until she was done.  The next day she was so much better, and of course they are loving the cooler temps today.
              That hot weather was great for getting our hay put up!  It’s always a relief to get the hay safely lined up behind the electric fence where the cows can’t rough them up.  It wasn’t enough for our herd for the whole winter, but we purchased some extra hay and now it is also safely stored.  Now we just need some rain to help the grass grow back for a fall green up.  The cows will love that!….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Hot and Humid

Monday, August 21, 2023
Hello friends,
              What a difference a week makes!  Last week I started morning chores with a long sleeved overshirt, this week that sounds just awful!  I don’t know how accurate our house thermometer is, but I think it’s pretty good.  We had 104 degrees and 26% humidity yesterday, and then today it was only 98 degrees, but the humidity was thick!  Argh!  We are back to watering to try to keep the flowers and garden alive.  We’ll see if we are successful.  Meanwhile, I got poison ivy, and it is miserable!
              I had so many stories to tell last week that I didn’t even tell you that we got our baby chicks.  We had ordered 35 but only ended up receiving 27.  Of course, they rightly tell us that you can’t count your chicks before they hatch, but the 10 that I really wanted were the ones that didn’t come.  It’s not like they can send them the next week.  Only one week difference in age can make a big difference in how the chicks treat each other.  There is literally a pecking order, and it can be vicious.  No, they all have to be the exact same age.  We went from a heat lamp on them last week, to a simple incandescent bulb for light only this week.  They are very cute……

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Always an Adventure

Monday, August 14, 2023
Hello friends,
              What a beautiful day!  After a week of total muggy mugs!  It is literally like two different seasons.  The heat and humidity make you feel like staying inside as much as possible, and today’s weather encourages you to go outside and get things done.  We knew it just had to rain yesterday.  It was so thick that an ice cube could have caused a cloud to form.  True to form, we had a good rain last night and it scrubbed the air of most of that humidity.  Yay!
Saturday morning was another farm adventure.  Every time something challenging happens, the silver lining is that I have something to tell in the newsletter.  We went to the “lower 20” pasture to get the cows for morning milking and we always count them.  There should be 16.  We milk 10, one dry cow, one heifer, and 4 steers.  We were short one so Bill and Gayla went looking and found Patty in the pond, up to her chin in mud.  She had waded out far enough to get a clean drink of water and the mud was too sucky.  Also, cows will only struggle so long and then they seem to give up.  Great.  They went back to the barn for the tractor and a strap of some sort.  I went to check on Patty and maybe look for some rocks from the creek to give some firm footing.  It decided to rain so of course we were getting drenched.  Gayla took off her good leather boots and waded in with only her socks.  I had my muck boots, but I was having a hard time not leaving them in the mud.  Finally, we worked together to fish around under Patty’s belly to get the rope under and behind her front legs.  We were literally totally covered with mud! It began to rain even harder.  Got it!  Now the other end was wrapped around the tractor. 
              We needed Patty’s effort too.  She had to be convinced that she could do it!  We coaxed and encouraged.  Bill backed the tractor up and she moved forward.  Then rest.  Do it again, until finally she got far enough out that she could sit up properly, and we knew she could stand.  But she had to be convinced.  Bill put the tractor away and we waited in the rain.  Finally, she stood up shakily, completely covered in mud, but except for a little rope burn behind her front legs, not worse for the event.  Gayla and I were a mess!  Sure, we hosed Patty off before we milked her, but who was going to hose us off?  What an adventure!  And then we milked, and things seemed rather normal.  Oh brother!….

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Sally Had a Boy

Monday, August 7, 2023
Hello friends,
              …….We also had another birth because Sally had her calf on Wednesday.  Unfortunately, it was ANOTHER bull calf.  I think I am going to invest in some sexed semen and see if we can get some heifers to add to our herd.  I know it’s not my girls’ fault because the males determine the sex of the calf.  Sally is already online and producing a lot of milk.  Now we need to get the cheesemaking geared up.  It sounds like the equipment to replace the broken boiler is arriving and soon it will be installed.  So many moving parts in the business and they all have to be working!   
              The garden is entering the ugly but productive stage.  My butternut squash has succumbed to the squash bugs, and I salvaged the fruit that I could.  I harvested some of the best carrots that I have ever grown, and another red cabbage.  That was encouraging.  The tomatoes have been amazing, the beans are on round two, and the peppers are a delicious green stage.  I found a cooler day and did battle against some monster weeds and won!  We have had enough rain to postpone the hay cutters, but not enough to avoid watering here and there.  Hay must be made soon!…..

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Stephen Noffke Stephen Noffke

Vivian Had a Boy

Monday, July 31, 2023
Hello friends,
              Another unexpected rain last night.  The forecast has been predicting extreme heat and no rain, and then suddenly it clouds up and the forecast predicts the storm that is literally bearing down on us.  Very strange.  I was debating whether I should water the garden last night and then I didn’t have to.  The strong winds keep the yard littered with twigs and leaves, but I am thankful for the moisture.
              Vivian’s due date was Saturday, and she had her calf on Sunday!  It’s a boy so of course we are disappointed about that.  Momma and baby are both healthy.  We still have a heifer due to calve on Wednesday and I honestly don’t know how she can hold out much longer.  She is so fat, her udder is so full, and she just waddles.  The law of averages says it should be a girl calf, but like any flip of a coin, the odds go back to 50/50.  We are ready to get her milked out and relieve the pressure on her udder.  Come on Sally!….

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